Going to try my hand at this blogging thing again now that I finally figured out how to post pictures. So I'm officially moving into week 6 of being vegan, well at least trying to be vegan, or as Alicia Silverstone of The Kind Diet would call it "flirting" with the vegan diet. I would say I'm doing pretty well so far, given that my diet is now about 98% vegan. I've noticed some positive changes like more energy, clearer thinking, and as Alicia says, "smoother elimination." However, I've been somewhat moodier and I'm a lot hungrier! Also, in spite of the smoothness of the aforementioned eliminations, there have been some other gastrointestinal consequences that make my boyfriend want to get a separate bedroom...all a part of the detox process though right. Now assuming that my boyfriend is still here after the air has cleared (haha), I think he will turn out to be at least somewhat supportive of my new diet. I was vegetarian when we started dating so its not a huge change, and other than sneaking giant turkey legs into the house and screaming "You expect me to eat this? What am I, a rabbit!?" he appears to be adjusting just fine. My friends from back home have no idea how to react except to brand me as "crazy" and ask me repeatedly "but, where are you getting your protein?" to which I reply "food... usually" and wink... My mom is actually the most supportive thus far, telling her friends "oh, Michelle is 'Vay-gen' now," love it! I've made some super yummy recipes so far from Alicia's book and from others like Veganomicon! Tonight is pineapple cashew quinoa stirfry with hot and sour soup, will let you know how that goes!
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